Hôm nọ mới đăng ký nhưng ko có nhu cầu dùng bác nào nhanh chân vào mà active

Here is your unique serial/license code:


If you need to obtain this serial code again, login using the same username and password.
Keep your serial/license code safe. We cannot offer free support nor re-send you a serial/license code once this promotion expires.

When you receive your AVG Anti-Virus 9 [1-PC, 1-Year] serial code, this has been allocated to the email address you used for your V3.co.uk Store account.
Insert the code within AVG Anti-Virus 9 and you'll have 30 days to register your software with AVG.
Go to http://www.avg.com/registration to register your AVG Anti-Virus 9 code if you prefer to do this outside your software.